Whether it’s your typical Message alert, or a third-party app notification, Notifications have just got far more useful thanks to the introduction of ‘Rich’ notifications.
First explored in iOS 9 when Apple introduced the ability to answer a text message directly within a notification, or mark a Reminder as complete by swiping down on the notification, this functionality has now been opened up to other apps.
Firstly, Rich notifications will look quite different. For example, let’s take another stock iOS app such as Calendar. Now, when you receive a Calendar invite you can swipe left on a notification to view all details as well as accept or decline within the notification.
Message notifications have also be tweaked further. Now, you can view an entire message thread from within a Message notification by swiping left on the notification.
Finally, prepare to see third-party apps making use of this functionality. An early example can be found in the Uber app. Those that use Uber cabs will find they can interact with an Uber notification and access a map of the driver’s route, or options to call the driver or cancel the trip all via the notification.