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Welcome to #306: A note from the editor

Hey there readers! Our last issue was all about looking to the future – this one’s about looking to the stars. Amateur stargazing is more approachable than ever these days, thanks to the wealth of easily accessible apps and gadgets available. Head to the features section for all the far-out details.

We’re also cracking on with our iOS 18 preview series in the wake of Apple’s public beta program going live this week. That means you no longer have to be a developer to try out the latest features, five of which we’ve covered in the how-to section.

Beyond all that, we’ve revisted our video camera apps roundup from a few years back, as several new contenders released this past year you’ll want to check out. We’ve also got news, app reviews, and even a new buyer’s guide for you. Enjoy!

Tom Rolfe

Swipe Editor