Hello, readers! We’ve just released a new issue of our sister app, Swipe – the iPhone Magazine!
It’s Halloween season again and, as always, we’ve dredged up the very best apps to stick on your iPhone or iPad at this time of year. Whether you’re looking to knock up a last-minute costume, keep the kids entertained, or stay home alone and scare yourself silly, we’ve got you covered.
But there’s one thing even scarier than ghosts and ghouls, and it plagues us all year around: spam. We’re not talking about cheap tinned meat, but rather the unsolicited junk mail that clogs your email inbox. It’s not always clear what you can do to minimize spam on your iPhone, but we’ve knocked together a big Feature this issue explaining some best practices for staving it off.
We’ve also got a bunch of great Reviews for you to dig into, and three choice guides over in the How-to section – including the many ways iOS 12 can make your passwords better. As always, you’ll want to swing by the News section to find out more about Apple’s upcoming launch event (yes, another one!) and more.
Download the Swipe app today and start a 7-day trial or purchase a single issue for only $1.99/£1.99!