A solid follow up to last year’s Super Phantom Cat
Price: Free
Version: 1.1
Size: 144MB
Developer: Veewo
Platform: iPhone / iPad
So what’s new? Just 2 months after our review Hello Kitty joined Super Phantom Cat which added 25 levels to the game, but then she left, though the levels remained. In early 2018 they added another world with 5 levels. Aside from that there’s been a bunch of new levels, game modes, avatars and other gameplay elements which, quite honestly, are so bizarrely named that it really wouldn’t help to list them all here. Just know that if you were to play SPC2 today, you’ll get a bunch of content, to get through, and you’re likely to get more in the future.
Revised rating: It’s great to see a game continue to grow. ★★★★
Our original review, written in September 2017, is presented in its entirety below.
Super Phantom Cat dropped last year and though it was a largely pleasant platformer the traits it shared with the older Super Mario games were too similar to dismiss. You’ve got your short-stack enemies just waiting for you to bop them on the head, you’ve got bricks, coins to collect and all manner of classic platforms to jump on. But now, enter Super Phantom Cat 2 – a wildly positive step in the right direction.
This new edition – which has incidentally gone free, with a not exactly slight addition of in app purchases – has done exactly what an almost-emulation platformer should do: it’s widened the world it exists in considerably. In the sequel, we have a story, told through micro cut scenes and new characters. But now Super Phantom Cat has even more character, does this set it aside from its contemporaries?
Not exactly – after all, you could say Mario’s popularity is largely based on its wide kingdom of secondary characters.
But we’re talking mobile here, and Super Phantom Cat 2 doesn’t need to be wholly original. Its pick-up-and-play value is strong, and it’s easy to jump straight in. It’s also incredibly smooth when it comes to its graphics and gameplay. Though the design isn’t exactly mind-blowing, its simple approach and liberal use of the entire color palette (and then some) makes it an entertaining game for all ages.
It’s not hard though – despite boss levels, and the tendency to run out of lives prompting the inevitable plea to make an IAP, it’s easy enough to power through. But the mechanics and each levels’ attributes have been given a boost. There are trampoline style mushrooms, secret areas, and new powers which let you plant vines to help you reach high-up places. There’s also a whole host of characters that have been added, meaning you don’t always have to jump around as the Phantom Cat.
Overall, there’s enough added in this sequel to make it a more than worthy continuation of a solid title. But we’ll be looking for something significantly more groundbreaking in Super Phantom Cat 3.