
Craigslist – veteran ads website comes to iOS

Craigslist has long been known as the king of classified adverts, in the US and Canada at least. Its website has been helping people find local jobs, sell their old junk, and even move house since 1995 – but it’s somehow taken Craiglist until 2019 to release an official app for its listings.

The app utilizes the same simplistic interface as the website. It’s not flashy, but importantly it’s easy to navigate and ensures even those not particularly tech-savvy should be able to find what they’re looking for.

But there are a few nods to the modern age, like swipe gestures to add posts to your favorites. You can also save searches and set search alerts if you’re on the hunt for something elusive.

Craigslist is split into familiar categories to help users find what they’re looking for, and provides an easy way to post your own classified ads if you’re looking to sell rather than buy.

Overall it’s a welcome addition to the App Store, and something we’re surprised wasn’t around from the beginning.

Readers from elsewhere in the world will have to find other options for their classified ads – Facebook’s marketplace dominates around much of the world, and Gumtree is a popular choice in the UK.

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