Keep track of your money with the latest iOS finance app
If your New Year’s resolution is to get a better hold on your personal finances, consider downloading MoneyWiz 2: a smart, new iOS app that provides users with a comprehensive finance management system for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Most iPhone owners might use an online banking solution of some kind, but a lot of the main services offered by high street banks – as well as their companion iOS apps – aren’t great. We’re missing custom alerts, budget information, personalized financial reports, and a whole lot more. Fortunately, MoneyWiz 2, a $4.99 (£3.99) application which appeared on the App Store recently, can help fill this void.
MoneyWiz 2 offers a range of finance management features which are available from within a well-designed, elegant user interface. First and foremost, the app allows users to add multiple accounts into a main page and provides at-a-glance information (including account totals and a combined net worth). Touching an account in this section of MoneyWiz 2 provides users with a breakdown of recent transactions: dates and times are available to view, and users can also access a range of options (including edit, delete, duplicate, and refund) from the same pane. Of course, iPhone owners are also able to add new transactions into MoneyWiz 2 using a “+” button which is available in the bottom-right corner of the app’s screen.
This might sound a little pedestrian so far, but once users dive a little deeper they’ll find that a range of more complex solutions are available in the app. For example, users can create budgets using MoneyWiz 2 which allow them to keep better track of their expenses. Usefully, these update in real time based on transactions made in the application. You can also create scheduled transactions from inside a separate pane: these can be recurring (like a monthly insurance bill, for example) or a scheduled one-off payment penciled in for a future date. What’s nice though is that this scheduled pane features an in-line calendar highlighting all your scheduled transactions for the month.
Reports, offering bar, pie, and line charts, can also be generated using MoneyWiz 2, and these are particularly useful (sometimes it’s much better to check out a graph of your spending rather than reading through lines on a page). Plus, once a report has been generated it can be saved to the application for easy access.
MoneyWiz 2 users can import financial data in the form of a CSV, OFX, or QIF file and this can be done using the iOS “Open In” extension, either from the Mail application or using a cloud-based app like Dropbox or Google Drive. In theory, this method should provide users of the application with a quick and easy way to get their financial history into MoneyWiz 2, however after testing the feature, the application failed to parse information correctly several times regardless of the file format used. As such, this is an area MoneyWiz 2’s developer could improve through a future update.
It’s worth noting though that while users can manually input data into MoneyWiz 2 free of charge, the application can also sync up with an online banking service in order to auto-fill your most recent transactions into the application. This feature, however, will set you back an in-app purchase (IAP) of $4.99 per month (or $49.99 per year).
Overall, MoneyWiz 2 is a smart, useful piece of software that iPhone owners should undoubtedly appreciate. It’s feature rich, it works great, and it’s certainly worth the cash.
Price: $4.99 / £3.99
Size: 23.3 MB
Version: 2.0.1
Platform: iOS Universal
Developer: SilverWiz Ltd