Apple added full trackpad support in its recent iPadOS 13.4 update, giving users a new way to interact with their iPads for the first time in ten years. This followed the announcement in March of an all-new Magic Keyboard with a built-in trackpad for the ideal working-on-iPad setup.
Now, four weeks on, Magic Keyboard is finally available to order from a new Keyboard for iPad section of the Apple online store, and will start shipping to customers next week.
This is great news for anyone who needs a bit more control to get serious work done on the iPad – typing, editing documents, and selecting text will be much easier than ever before. The bad news is that premium Apple accessories don’t come cheap. The new Magic Keyboard retails at $299/£299 for the 11-inch iPad Pro and $349/£349 for the 12.9-inch version.
That’s not the only new product Apple is churning out amidst the current pandemic. If you missed the announcement, there’s an all-new iPhone SE in town offering the same A13 Bionic chip as the iPhone 11 range for just $399/£419. That’s available to pre-order tomorrow (from 5am PDT on April 17) and will ship a week later.