We often recommend setting up two-factor authentication to protect your Apple ID. It’s simple to set up and helps to safeguard your account details against thieves and hackers.
That’s all well and good for any details stored with Apple, but if you use any of Google’s services you’ll want to take similar precautions with that account. Any of your personal details stored with Apple or Google are accessible to anyone who knows your email and password – until you enable this type of added security, that is, which requires physical access to one of your secure devices in addition to login credentials.
Anyone who routinely uses any apps like Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps, or Google Photos should take steps to lock down their account. When you consider that Google owns YouTube and knows all your web searches, it becomes even more important – doubly so if you’ve ever tied up your bank details to a Google-owned service. That’s a lot of information on the line if your account gets hacked.
Which is why it’s surprising to learn that less than 10% of Gmail users have two-step verification enabled. Which means there’s around a nine-in-ten chance that you haven’t set it up yet, either. Luckily, that’s easy to remedy. Just head to Google’s security website and press Get Started. While you’re at it, make sure you have 2-FA enabled for your Apple ID, too!
The only real downside to setting this up is that you’ll be occasionally asked to enter a verification code when logging in, to prove it’s really you. (The code will be sent to your registered device.) Small price to pay for extra peace of mind, we think, but if you value convenience much more than security then you might decide to go without. Your call!